The OSCE/ODIHR EOM got acquainted with an interim election monitoring report

14 October, 2021

The delegation from the OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission (EOM) visited the State Audit Office (SAO) for the second time to review the results of the local election monitoring.

The representatives of the SAO introduced the interim report to the members of the delegation prepared before the local self-government elections and provided information on the status of current administrative offences.

The observation mission delegation was interested in the measures taken by the SAO to investigate some of the donations, as well as in response to violations by the electoral subjects.

The delegation of the OSCE/ODIHR EOM is also monitoring the ongoing process before the second round and as Elissavet Karagiannidou, the Legal Analyst of the EOM delegation noted, the final conclusion of the SAO will be integral in assessing election transparency.