Representatives of the Political Finances Monitoring Department participated in the IFES workshop
A two-day working meeting in Prague on the topic of "Investigations and sanctions in official political finance oversight," organized by the European Regional Office of the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) was attended by the representatives of Central Election Commissions (CECs), Anti-corruption Bureaus and Supreme Audit Institutions of 15 countries, who shared their experience of political finances monitoring.
Within the framework of the workshop investigating potential political finance violations and cooperation with investigatory Institutions were also discussed.
Representatives of the State Audit Office shared the presentations on "Administrative proceedings - cooperation and referral mechanisms" and "Anti-corruption Reform in Georgia". The participants of the meeting were also interested in the practices introduced in the department, administration procedures, research of materials and decision-making.
The Political Finance Monitoring Department of the SAOG was represented by Irakli Turava and Gvantsa Iordanishvili.